This site is dedicated to my Ironman Triathlon Journey.
IM: My Journey was created for three reasons.
First, IM: My Journey was created to share my week-to-week progress as I prepare to compete in, and complete an Ironman distance triathlon. It will be a beautiful and challenging journey. Much is mental. Much is physical. Much is definitely not fun, and much is more rewarding that anyone could ever imagine.
Second, IM: My Journey was launched with the glimmer of a hope that this story will inspire someone to action, whatever that looks like for them. For me, in 2006, my first action was registering for a triathlon, and the second action was to figure out how to quit smoking.
And now, in 2020, my hurdle is to get out of my own way. (Blog here)
Third (and quite selfishly), IM: My Journey was created as an accountability tool. My first triathlon (BLOG post) was done with the beautiful support of Team in Training. There was plenty of external inspiration, motivation and accountability with that journey. For the coming year, this blog will serve as the perfect accountability tool AND documenting an amazing journey.
There's much to see here, and there are many lessons, some tough learnings, much humor, some reflective musings, and plenty of raw candor.
Know that if you follow this journey, you will get the nitty gritty.
You'll laugh, you may cry, you might be inspired, and you'll likely think I'm just a little bit crazy. (but who isn't?)
So take your time, look around. Then make sure to drop me a line.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Copyright © 2025 IM: My Journey - All Rights Reserved.